18 Ways to Get Over Your Heartbreak
1. Know that getting over the end of your relationship is supposed to be hard. Divorce hurts everyone involved just in different ways and at different times. You can easily know the truth of this by the amount of divorce information you find on the internet, the number of songs written about the end of relationships and the number of TV shows, movies and books about all kinds of breakups. Because this time is so difficult, be gentle with yourself. Showing yourself compassion as you work your way through the depths of your broken heart will help you get through it a whole lot more quickly than if you’re impatient with yourself. 2. Allow yourself to grieve, but don’t regularly throw yourself pity parties. Being compassionate with yourself does include allowing yourself to feel sad about all your losses, but it doesn’t mean that you should focus on what is no more. Giving excessive attention to what you’ve lost only serves to keep you stuck in your heartbreak. ...